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The other night I had a flashback to the movie Varsity Blues. I was thinking about the part of the movie when Billy Bob makes a ‘sandwich’ of sorts with a waffle and peanut butter.  Although I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call it a sandwich, considering he just dunked the waffle in a jar of peanut butter and ate it right there. But anyways, the following sandwich is dedicated to Billy Bob’s culinary genius.


To Make the Billy Bob Wafflewich: Defrost and toast one half a homemade raspberry whole grain frozen waffle and slather with chocolate peanut butter…[What? You don’t have chocolate peanut butter in your house? Weirdo.] ….And cover with cut strawberries (or banana as I had wanted but we’re all out. Sigh).

Of course as soon as I took the peanut butter jar out of the fridge and unscrewed the top my dog came running out of the other room right into the kitchen and gave me her best ‘i’mstarvingyouneverfeedmesogivemesomepeanutbutter’ face.


I’m a softy so the face worked on me and she got some peanut butter.

Anyway, I covered the other waffle with raspberry jam and smooshed it together.  You can use any kind of jam here (or more peanut butter if you feel so inclined) but I used raspberry because the waffle had raspberries in it.


Now eat and remember to thank Billy Bob for this fine creation.

Free Stuff:

Run on over to Oh She Glows for the Amazing Grass giveaway!

Choosing Raw is giving away Happy Herbivore‘s new book, “Backyard Vegan”